Join Chidi and his adventurous cat, Flaw, on an enchanting journey in "The Secret of Mermaid Island: The adventure of Chidi and Flaw." Set in the picturesque village of Paraty, Brazil, this delightful children's book follows Chidi, a brave 7-year-old boy, and his playful feline companion, Flaw. Their peaceful day at the beach turns into a thrilling adventure when they unearth a treasure map hidden inside a bottle. Guided by curiosity and courage, Chidi and Flaw embark on a quest to discover the lost Mermaid Island.
As they navigate through vibrant coral reefs and encounter friendly sea creatures like Percy the swimming pig and Azure the protective whale, Chidi and Flaw learn valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the magic that lies within the ocean's depths. With Miranda, the singing mermaid, as their guide, they uncover the island's secrets and become guardians of its enchanting magic.
"The Secret of Mermaid Island" is a heartwarming tale that celebrates diversity, imagination, and the wonders of exploration. Through captivating storytelling and colorful illustrations, children will be inspired to embrace their own adventures and cherish the treasures found in both the world around them and the stories they read.
Autor: Smile Sketchers
Type: Paperback
Pages: 70
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 x 0.2 inches
Language: English